Professor Thomas Nicholson, a prominent Duncanian researcher from America, will lecture on drug policy
issues at Oxford University for the second successive year at the end of this year's Hilary Term. Dr. Nicholson is Professor
of Public Health at Western Kentucky University and Professor of Community Medicine at the University of Louisville in the United States. He was reportedly on the short-list of candidates President Obama considered for appointment
as the U.S. "Drug Czar". He is also past chairman of the N.A.P.H.P. Council on Illicit Drugs, which has been a major advocacy group supporting a public health approach to drug policy.
Registration for the lectures is by invitation only. In addition to senior members of the Oxford academic
community, invitees also include leading researchers and policy-makers from around the globe
Persons wishing information on Prof. Nicholson's work might contact him at